RE:[sap-log-sd] Service Item - Schedule Line Category

Posted by saps (SAP SD Consultant)
on Dec 8 at 9:37 AM
Hi Mr.Typewriter,

When I tried doing scen. 1, it said TAD not defined. Del date is 19.12.2011 (unit was 1Mon). I am unable to go to schedule line at item level as system says error: 'TAD not defined'. Why is that so?

When I unchecked sch line allowed, then it allows me to create sales order, but no schedule line available...the sales order was saved.

Sorry. I did not understand the significance....

Thanks and regards,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: saps
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 3:58 AM
Subject: Service Item - Schedule Line Category


Why do we have the scheduled Line Category CD for service item, when there is no delivery, no movement type or anything written for CD.


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