RE:[sap-log-sd] Negative ATP - Confirm Orders Based on Real Stock

Posted by sapsd_learner (SAP SD Consultant)
on Nov 8 at 7:58 AM
Hi Ronald,

I had tried negative stocks once. Please try these settings and let me know if it works.

To activate negative stocks there are two settings which we need to adopt:

1. In the material MM02, in Sales: Gen/Plant tab, please tick 'Negative Stocks' check option.

2. Also IMG --> MM --> Invt. Mgmt n Physical Inventory --> GI/Trf Postings --> Allow Negative Stocks --> Check that option.

Now negative stocks will get activated and we could also do the PGI and billing.

Thanks and regards,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Sunsam31
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 10:06 PM
Subject: Negative ATP - Confirm Orders Based on Real Stock

We have a situation in SD where we confirm orders based on real stock plus incoming POs.
in ATP. When creating a delivery same thing. ATP recognize stock on hand plus PO"s. In case a PO does not get posted GR or if stock got damaged if happens that we have more deliveries created ( more stock confirmed than available) than real stock ( over confirmation or negative ATP). In a situation like this its not even possible to PGI the deliveries we have stock on hand unless we resolve the negative ATP / over confirmation by deleting deliveries or change delivery date ( staging date). Any Idea how to resolve this manual work. Why is SAP checking against cumulated requirements when PGI is done. Is there a setting in SPRO ?

Thanks, Ronald

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