RE:[sap-log-sd] Pricing Procedure for Indirect Sales

Posted by adrianolopez
on Sep 25 at 2:00 PM
Thank you Typewriter and Laxmipati for your valuable insights.

Intermediaries like dealers buys goods in lump-sum, let's say for $100,000 for 20 different materials, at a time. But credit memo is to be issued to them based on monthly end-user sales of, let's say $10,000 of 5 items, may be from 3 different invoices issued previously. Dealers submit the end-user sales report periodically and based on that report, credit memo is issued.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Adriano Lopez
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 11:22 PM
Subject: Pricing Procedure for Indirect Sales

Hello experts,

We have a requirement like this:

1) Material X is sold to a dealer at $100 ( list price) - 10 (Discount) = $90
2) Dealer sells the product to end user for $50.
3) Dealer claims the loss he suffered (i.e. 90-50 = 40) plus 10% profit on his cost of $90.
4) Credit memo is issued to dealer to credit $49 ($40 + 10% of $90).
5) Sold-to record of both dealers and indirect customers exist in the system.

What would be the best way to issue credit to the customer through pricing procedure?

Thank you,


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