RE:[sap-log-sd] Pricing Procedure for Indirect Sales

Posted by Typewriter
on Sep 25 at 3:03 PM

If you would be creating credit memo from multiple (e.g. 3) invoices, then you could explore rebate agreement as suggested by Lakshmipathi.

You would have to think about the rebate condition type and the calculation of it. To get $49.
Extract from above example -
#20 ZZZZ = From #10, To #15,
thus value = 90 - 50 = 40
#25 ZSUR = From #10 (in V/06 create extra pay condition type, cal type = %
In VK11 maintain 10%, as surcharge)
#30 Subtotal 2 = From #20 To #25
thus value = 40 + 10% of 90 = 40 + 9 = 49

Is the "selling price" of material fixed, when sold by Dealer to End users?
(this shall help in creation of cond records in VK11)

If selling price is PR00 (sold by your org to the Dealers) and selling by Dealer to end user is Fixed. I believe, my suggestion - above mentioned PP - shall work too.
Here you shall have to create credit memo request in VA01 withOUT reference. Also this might be the additional step, in comparison to both suggestions.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Adriano Lopez
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 2:02 PM
Subject: Pricing Procedure for Indirect Sales

Thank you Typewriter and Laxmipati for your valuable insights.

Intermediaries like dealers buys goods in lump-sum, let's say for $100,000 for 20 different materials, at a time. But credit memo is to be issued to them based on monthly end-user sales of, let's say $10,000 of 5 items, may be from 3 different invoices issued previously. Dealers submit the end-user sales report periodically and based on that report, credit memo is issued.

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