RE:[sap-log-sd] Pricing Procedure for Indirect Sales

Posted by Lakshmipathi
on Sep 25 at 1:35 AM
In normal sales process, once you do PGI with movement type 601 and generate a commercial invoice, that moment, the responsibility ceases from the manufacturer. Having said this, once the client dispatches to dealer, then it is up to the dealer to make profit from that.

One option you can treat the dealer as commission agent and make the sales directly to end customer. The other option is rebate where you accrue the amount payable to dealer.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Adriano Lopez
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 11:22 PM
Subject: Pricing Procedure for Indirect Sales

Hello experts,

We have a requirement like this:

1) Material X is sold to a dealer at $100 ( list price) - 10 (Discount) = $90
2) Dealer sells the product to end user for $50.
3) Dealer claims the loss he suffered (i.e. 90-50 = 40) plus 10% profit on his cost of $90.
4) Credit memo is issued to dealer to credit $49 ($40 + 10% of $90).
5) Sold-to record of both dealers and indirect customers exist in the system.

What would be the best way to issue credit to the customer through pricing procedure?

Thank you,


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