RE:[sap-log-sd] VAT Rate Change in Italy - Credit Note Referenced to Invoices with Different VAT Values

Posted by Lakshmipathi
on Sep 25 at 1:36 AM
Ideally credit notes should be generated separately in that case. Nevertheless, you can try the Service Rendered option in VF01 or VF04

---------------Original Message---------------
From: renato morganti
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 6:32 AM
Subject: VAT Rate Change in Italy - Credit Note Referenced to Invoices with Different VAT Values

Hello all,

VAT rate has changed in Italy from 20% to 21%.

On credit/debit note the document has to contain the same VAT value of the referred invoice.

This means that now we can have documents with more than one VAT rate in the same document and the VAT total must be split by VAT code.


Invoice 1 - VAT 20% = June 2011
Invoice 2 - VAT 21% = October 2011

If we need to create a credit note in November with reference to both invoices - I must show the two different rates on the billing document.

Can this work in SAP? Or should I create 2 different credit notes one for VAT 20% and other for VAT 21%.

Thank you.

R. Morganti

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