Question from bolington on Jan 20 at 10:59 AM I have a client that is moving several production lines across borders (Mexico to Georgia). Due to the physical move, we will be migrating some SD customers from one SAP system to another SAP system. I am expected to do the following: -Create cross reference documents between SAP IDoc and EDI X12 messages for an Analyst to create the mappings -Test both inbound and outbound Idocs after mapping is completed -Ensure SD master data is set up correctly (customer master, pricing, schedule agreement) -Create and test print shipping labels for printer. - update fields in SO10 where necessary. - processing delivery schedule I have been assigned to undertake the aforementioned task and because the tasks are fairly new to me, can I get some pointers or help on what to do and how to commence? Please any advise or help on these would be most appreciated as this is my first task in a new company and impression counts. Thanks | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |