Reply from Sean_XJ on Jan 30 at 3:33 PM Hi Tung, the requirement is we need to have a report to show the Next Date as the same Date Value via VKM4 of each SO. There are other specific business requirements so we can not use VKM4 itself. I do not know which Table or Function Module to get the same Date as VKM4.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Tung Ho Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 2:30 PM Subject: VKM4 Next Date Field Koki -- You won't see a next date field or a sales order number field in S066 and S067. Get the payer number from the sale order you are inquiring about. Look in S066 for the payer number. Note: The dollar amount shown in s066 is the total dollar amount for all sales order for a payer. The date shown in that record is the next ship date ( MAD ) for all sales order tied to the payer. VKM4 = program: RVKRED01 Do a search in this program for S066. - The function call that update CMGV is : SD_NEXT_ACTION_DATE_ORDER ( se 37 to view) Aside from trying to see why the date is 00/00/0000...what are you trying to figure out? Is your sales order a credit card sales order? what does risk category LST mean? -- Are able to manually calculate the next ship date? If so then what should it be? -Tung | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |