Reply from godslavery on Jan 1 at 11:21 PM Hi, thanks for concerning about this problem, now I have made it resolved. I take these steps as follows: 1. Using TCODE: ovxgn. It could be displayed like this AWSO(Amer West Sales org) A1(Amer.distr.chan.01) A2(Amer.division 2) AWSO(Amer West Sales org) A2(Amer.distr.chan.02) A1(Amer.division 1) AWSO(Amer West Sales org) A2(Amer.distr.chan.02) A2(Amer.division 2) 2. Using TCODE: vor1(Define Common Distribution Channels) AWSO A1(Dchl: Amer.distr.chan.01) A1(Dch.Conds) A1(Dch-Cust/Mt) AWSO A2(Dchl: Amer.distr.chan.02) A2(Dch.Conds) A2(Dch-Cust/Mt) 3. Using TCODE: vor2(Define Common Divisions) AWSO A1(Dv: Amer.division1) A1(DvCon) A1(Dv-Cust) AWSO A2(Dv: Amer.division2) A2(DvCon) A2(Dv-Cust) Now it's ok. But I have a question: what is Dch.Conds, Dch-Cust/Mt, DvCon, Dv-Cust and what's relationship between them? What's the logic run in the process? I have found some descriptions about these concepts as follows in «Configuring SAP ? ERP Sales and Distribution»by Kapil Sharma Ashutosh Mutsaddi: The next step in setting up the enterprise structure in SD is to define the common distribution channel and common division. In situations where your sales organiza-tion contains more than one distribution channel and more than one division, this customization setting is really helpful in reducing the master data maintenance efforts and avoiding master data duplication within a sales organization. Using a common distribution channel customization, you can define the master data for one distribution channel, and all other distribution channels that belong to that sales organization can use the same master data. You don't have to create the master data separately for all the distribution channels. Common division customization works the same way for divisions that share com -mon master data. Always remember to define this setting irrespective of whether your business requirement setup needs a common distribution channel and common division. You won't be able to create master data using the sales area you just defined if this customization setting is missing. If you don't have a business requirement demand -ing a common distribution channel and common division setup, maintain the entry in VOR1 and VOR2 by keeping the source and target the same
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Marlkoos zheng Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 1:48 AM Subject: No display of Sale Area when creating material/customer Hi, I got a problem. I have defined the Sale Area by TCODE: ovxgn, and then I started to creat the material by TCODE:mm01. In the view of Organizational Level I wanted to use the Sale Area (Sales Org. & Distr. Channel) which specific to that material, but when I used the search help there is no display of that Sale Area ( Only Sales Org. display ) . How could this happen? The problem is also subject to the TCODE:vd01 / xd01 when I tried to creat a custome Is there anything wrong with my configuration in IMG? Thanks&Regards | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |