Re: [sap-log-sd] Pricing Help Required for Trade Sales

Reply from srikant on Jan 10 at 11:40 PM

If the customer price is changing frequently then with PR00 (ex condition type) or discount condition type change manually in your sales order create or if you are sure of the price changes then you can use the Scales functionality based on the quantity.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: SapSd 2490
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 3:22 PM
Subject: Pricing Help Required for Trade Sales

My client has pricing procedure where they have to update or change the base price after every 10 days.They have more than 20 Pricing Procedure and many condition types.
They want automatic entry of updated Price as Price changes every now and then.
I am sure they will have big problem changing condition type every 10 days with BDC as well. Do we have any other option than BDC in SAP or outside SAP where we can update the condition records and upload this through some simple Process. or we can change the condition records automatically. They have Different Base Price with Different Discount parameters for different States that is another issue.
Please let me know if someone can help.
Sap sd

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