Hi Katherine, Kindly check on the below settings for down payments. Down payments has a procedure that involves settings in SD & FI. Standard condition type AZWR to take into account the down payments made by the customer. Maintaining a pricing procedure with the condition type AZWR In the standard system the condition type AZWR is delivered for the down payment value already provided but which has not yet been calculated. Enter condition 2 (item with pricing) and the calculation formula 48(Down Payment clearing value must not be bigger than the item value for the condition type AZWR condition type AZWR has the calculation type B and the condition category E (down payment request clearing) Note that no statistical or inactive conditions are set in a down payment item. If you require those conditions use the user exit USEREXIT_PRICING_COPY in include RV61AFZA Maintain the Billing document For the billing type FAZ- Billing category is P a billing type becomes down payment request when the billing category P is assigned also to maintain blocking reason 02 (complete confirmation missing) for the billing document and assign to Billing type FAZ Financial Accounting settings Prerequisite for down payment processing is that the account is assigned to the underlying sales document set reconciliation accounts (T.Code -OBXR) Assign the field status definition - G031 - for the received down payments from the G/L accounts Maintain accounting configuration -OBXB For the down payments -posting key ANZ in the standard system and? the output tax clearing (posting key MVA in the standard system ) need to maintain posting key. You must also carry out a G/L account number assignment for the tax account maintain the posting key (OB410 For the posting key 19 set the sales order as an optional field maintain the field status definition - T.Code OB14 for the filed status variant 0001 filed status group G031 ,set the sales order as an optional field assign the company code to the field status variant (T.Cpde OBC5). Hope this helps. Thanks, srikant
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: KatherineP Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 5:00 PM Subject: Customer Down Payments When creating a down payment request thru SD all the pricing conditions are statistical and the billing document does not release to accounting. What do we need to do to be able to release the down payment request to accounting? We are using billing type FAZ and item category TAO. | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | srikant SAP Logistics Sales and Distribution Enthusiast
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