To make it more clear FOB Price = 'Base Price' - (sum of ' frieght' & 'insurance') The above logic is in Alt calc Type :12 & is assigned to 'FOB Price' in pric proc. 'Freight' & 'insurance' are MANUAL HEADER conditions. Now, with G, at header level in invoice, when we enter 'freight' & 'insurance' manually, *the 'FOB Price' is NOT getting calculated*. ( in 'condition value' column). With B, the 'FOB Price' is getting calculated' ( as described above) The problem, is the client does NOT want to use B ( for below mentioned reasons) * *with B, only the current billing date is considered.*** **The client wants SO PRICING DATE ( which G is fulfiling)* ( but G hs limitation, as explained above)* Any other pricing types, which you suggest? Or shall I try to insert a condition category to 'FOB Price' (which is blank now) Request an expert to kindly guide me on this. Rgds Sumanth.G
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Sumanth gururaj Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 5:46 AM Subject: Condition Types not getting Updated To make it more clear FOB Price = 'Base Price' - (sum of ' frieght' & 'insurance') The above logic is in Alt calc Type :12 & is assigned to 'FOB Price' in pric proc. 'Freight' & 'insurance' are MANUAL HEADER conditions. Now, with G, at header level in invoice, when we enter 'freight' & 'insurance' manually, *the 'FOB Price' is NOT getting calculated*. ( in 'condition value' column). With B, the 'FOB Price' is getting calculated' ( as described above) The problem, is the client does NOT want to use B ( for certain unclear reasons) Any other pricing types, which you suggest? Request an expert to kindly guide me on this. Immediate help would be appreciated. Rgds Sumanth.G | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | sgururaj SAP Logistics Sales and Distribution Helper
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