1) How to create a cross division? As you know, division is a group of material. e.g. Z1 = computers. A type of division which has different type of material e.g. computers, washing machine could be called as cross division. "Across anything" material type etc. etc. this depends upon the business and client requirements. Thus the creation steps for cross div are the same as the defining / creation of division. 2) Can we define common divisions instead? Cross division - as described above - is not the same concept as common division. So creating one does not replace the need to create the other. Common division is a "reference division" for other divisions. E.g. You have created a division = ZZ = cross division, for computers and TVs ZW = division for Washing machines A customer C1 is created for ZN10, ZR and div. ZZ You want this customer to be created for div Washing machine also. But all the information already there for C1 (made already for ZZ) is going to be the same in the case of div ZW too. Then you create ZZ as COMMON Div. and reference it to ZW in VOR2. Then you do NOT have to extent this customer C1 in XD01 for div ZW. But you can use this customer in sales order VA01, with Sales area ZN10, ZR and ZW. (other configuration steps might be needed to be done in OVAN, OVKK etc.) If business says this division ZZ (called Cross division) created for computers, TV - is our MAIN division and we would like this to be made as reference division for ZW, ZP etc. divisions; then you can make ZZ as common division.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: syamala m Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 2:42 PM Subject: Cross Division and Common Division How to create across division? Can we define common divisions instead? | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Typewriter SAP Logistics Sales and Distribution Helper
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