RE:[sap-log-sd] Business scenarios for different pricing procedures in sales order and billing document

Posted by jeremyaves (SAP SD Business Analyst)
on Sep 27 at 10:22 AM
Sorry for the delay on this one....midUAT at the moment.

I'm not sure I can count my company as typical, so this may not be much help.

We don't actually use PI02/IV02, although we did for a time (before I started in the SAP world). We have separate condition types for 'customer sales' and 'intercompany sales'. The advantages are apparently to give better visibility of transfer price across a large global organisation. I suspect, back in the day, it was 'easier' to maintain 2 pricing procedures then try and make one fit all scenarios. For example in a customer sale, we want to accrue for labour, warranty, agent commissions etc etc...which we don't in the interco sale.

On the process question...there's an idoc which posts the miro automatically in the buying company code.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Typewriter
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 7:36 PM
Subject: Business scenarios for different pricing procedures in sales order and billing document

Hi Jeremy,

The example in your post is a good one, of having different pricing procedures in sales order and intercompany bill.

As you have worked on intercompany sale, please comment on below -
1. Apart from the point - PI01 statistical and IV01 non statistical, PI01 = IV01; therefore we need 2 pricing procedures; is there any need for 2 pricing procedures for intercompany sale?
2. Refcond type - IV01 has field "Refcond type" = PI01 in V/06. But I donot see PI01 in the pricing procedure ICAA01. Don't I need to include PI01 in my pricing procedure to use its condition record?

Other comments about having different pricing procedure for sales order and bill -
3. It does not seem right to me that one would "negotiate" XEuros in the sales order and then charge YEuros in the bill. That was one of the reasons for my post / question.
4. There is a good example sited by Jignesh Mehta in the below link -
5. With input from members, I have understood the technical reason for having different pricing procedures -
If you need to have 2 values for fields in the pricing procedure elements process, e.g. some field in the condition type or Alt cal type or (maybe) different requirements for a condition type in the pricing procedure. e.g. in sales order, a cond type has to be editable and in the bill, not editable (example by Jignesh M).

One process related question about intercompany sale -
6. In your company, how does the delivering co cd sent the intercompany bill to the ordering co cd? (the process - in system, or via email or.....)

Thank you!
PS - I have marked your post as helpful.

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