Hi Bala, In the item category WKN for value contract in t.code vov7, we can see this material WKM1 entered as value contract item. You may aware that we are creating value contract not based on any particular material. A value contract can be created for a assortment of materials or a Product Hierarchy. The material WKM1 can be entered manually when creating the contract otherwise it can be assigned in the item category WKN as a default material so that whenever you create a value contract this material will default automatically. As this material was created by IDES for SAP's examples, you get the error message. Therefore you copy this material to your sales area and plant. After that you will not get this error. Alternatively you can create a dummy material in your own sales area and plant and assign this in item category WKN. When the Release Order is created with reference to the underlying value contract, this material will not be copied. You have to choose a material from the assortment module or product hierarchy. The material WKM1 is not copied because of the reason when the copy control is set up between value contract WK1 and release order OR, at the item category level copy control you can see in the field 'Copy Value Contract Item' a value don't copy value contract item is selected. Regards, Ramesh
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Balakrishna B Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 3:17 AM Subject: Material WKM1 is not defined for Sales Org WIP Hi All, When I am creating the value contract WK1 with the tcode VA41, I am getting this error: 'Material WKM1 is not defined for sales org WIP, dist channel .WD, language EN' Can someone suggest a solution? Thanks Bala | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight SAP BusinessObjects: Dashboards and Analytics. Learn more about this Toobox.com Marketplace online course. _.____.__ |