RE: [sap-log-sd] Invoice Amount/ Last Three Digits are Getting Deleted after the Barcode Scan

Posted by Dave Thornburgh (SAP JOAT)
on Sep 26 at 8:22 PM
RaviRaj -

Have you tried scanning one of these barcodes yourself, outside of SAP? You should be able to scan it into anything - like Notepad on Windows. If you do, are you getting truncated results? If so, your printout is incomplete. If not, the problem is at your customer's end.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Ravi Raj
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 7:58 AM
Subject: Invoice Amount/ Last Three Digits are Getting Deleted after the Barcode Scan

Hello Experts..

Kindly advise on the following situation.

Description- in vv31 we have maintained ZHEO Output which is having bar code in it. So once the invoice gets generated the bar code gets generated which gets scaned at the customers gate & the fields like ex invoice number & date, purchase order number & amount gets entered in customers sap system.

Issue is- the last 3 digits of the amount are getting cut. for eg 238,821.00 is showing while creating the invoice. But when customer scans it at the gate the amount is coming as 238,82.

What could be the possible reason & how to correct it?



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Dave Thornburgh
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