RE:[sap-log-sd] Selection date in delivery

Posted by Typewriter
on Aug 8 at 6:48 PM
Hi Pamela,

Italic are extracts from your posts
If the schedule line is not confirmed in sales order (due to zero atp stock i think ) and if I try to create a delivery, system will give a response that " no schedule lines are due for delivery with a yellow question mark against the message ".
a) how can giving a later date in "selection date" field in VL01N helps us to create delivery ... I cannot understand that since ATP is zero. Pls explain by means of an example

1. If in a sales order, the confirmed quantity = 0 in the schedule line, this is because of Unavailability of stock in the inventory & Availability check configurations. (it is a combination of availability check in MMR, settings in OVZ9, and could be MRP settings in MMR).
If the availability check is switched OFF, then confirmed quantity shall populate irrespective of actual inventory availability at that (delivery) date.

In a sales order, if confirmed quantity is 0; delivery is NOT created.
I have tested this. It is contrary to your finding. Please test it and update me.

2 )you are saying that during delivery creation system does not look at ATP stock.... but then there is a concept of avaiibility check at delivery level also ??

Yes availability check can take place during creation of a delivery, OVZ9 and dependent upon delivery item category 0VLP

2. In a sales order, if confirmed quantity = populated, because of availablity check switched OFF, & in inventory there is NO stock, then -
2A. Initial screen of delivery, after entering correct Selection date. The Delivery quantity shall be BLANK
With dlv item category settings, i.e. field "Check quantity 0" = A or B, the creation of delivery number can be dictated (i.e. delivery # is created or is NOT created) in 0VLP, delivery item category.

2B. If availability check in delivery item category, 0VLP, field "AvailCk" = X (Do NOT check availability), then the field Delivery quantity shall have quantity (see 2A). In other words, there is NO availability check, and system is indicating that delivery quantity = equal to confirmed quantity in the sales order.

With configuration settings, the delivery can be created (save 8001234) or delivery can NOT be created. But prerequiste is in the sales order, schedule line, quantity must be confirmed.

3)I have another question....... in real time scenario, the delivery is created through batch jobs.... I need to know how that happens in automatic delivery creation... the batch job must be perofrming the selection date and material availabilty date comparion and also during auto delivery creation,

In my opinion, the working of the field "Selection date" is the same, be it in VL01N or VL10.

In VL01N, field "selection date" checks the Material availability date & the Transportation planning date. If selection date is equal to or later than any of these 2 dates, then delivery is created.
Thus, if material is available or transport has been arranged, user can create a delivery. It has NOTHING to do with delivery date. Most important - as discussed above - is quantity is populated in field "Confirmed quantity" in the sales order, schedule line.
Material is available = 10.08.2011
Transport is arranged on = 7.08.2011
In VL01N,
Selection date = 05.08.2011, then you get the error message. Delivery can NOT be created. Change selection date to = 7.08.2011, you can create delivery. Irrespective of delivery date or any other dates.

So to summarize, the selection date is being compared with Material availability date or the Transportation planning date.

3.B) the system must also be looking a ATP stock tooo ?. if there is no stock, then the systm must be issuing some error messages ?

If there Confirmed quantity = 0, then NO delivery is created.
If Confirmed quantity = non-zero and there is NO stock, & availability check is done at delivery item category level, then creation / non creation of delivery can be set (0VLP etc., above discussed), also error message VL412 can also be set (with configuration, above discussed).

b) Will we be able to do PGI if we are able to create a delivery as in step a above. I think PGI looks for actual stock and not ATP stock !

b) If there is insufficient stock than you can NOT do PGI
User shall get error message -
Deficit of SL Unrestricted-use 4 EA : CH200-V360 ZN10 0001
Message no. M7021

I have found the below link helpful, with regards to Availability check & TOR (transfer of requirement) -

If you have any further questions or something is not clear, then please convey them.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Pamela79 Pilch
Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 2:57 PM
Subject: Selection date in delivery

Hello, thanks for the answer, but I canot find any thumps up sign next to the post...

1 )also snce the selection date is 15.8.11 and it is later than material availability date, then the delivery shud get created... but you are saying that system will not create delivery ??

2 )you are saying that during delivery creation system does not look at ATP stock.... but then there is a concept of avaiibility check at delivery level also ??

3)I have another question....... in real time scenario, the delivery is created through batch jobs.... I need to know how that happens in automatic delivery creation... the batch job must be perofrming the selection date and material availabilty date comparion and also during auto delivery creation, the system must also be looking a ATP stock tooo ?. if there is no stock, then the systm must be issuing some error messages ?

i still cannot see the "thumps up option "

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