Typewriter, you are correct. I didn't think about my answer long enough. If there are additional questions about this, please let me know & I'll clarify
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Typewriter Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 5:15 AM Subject: VV31 condition record display Hi Jim, SAP SD, After doing some more tests - contrary to your suggestions (i.e. If you change the end date, then a new entry will be created in the A857 table.) - when you do changes in VK12, be it amount changes or validity period changes, NO new condition record # is being created. If you go to VK11, for the same material you make a new cond record, then you get - popup with "Overlap message"; then a new condition record # is created. E.g. in VK11,cond type PR00, for M-1, 100Euros from 01.01.2011 to 31.12.2011 - Save, condition record # = 555 In VK12, cond type PR00, for M-1, 101Euros from 01.06.2011 to 28.12.2011 - Save, condition record # = 555 NO new condition record created. Then in VK11, cond type PR00, for M-1, 120Euros from 01.07.2011 to 31.12.2011 - Save, condition record # = 556 To take an example, the above works similar to creation & changes done in a sales order. If VA01 is used - New sales order created If VA02 is used - NO new sales order created. Please test and let me know. alok, Thanks for your post! Due to your post, I had to read the thread again and do some more tests; & I came to the above - "new" - findings. The question I asked Jim was - in the debug session where can I find the condition record #. I followed Jim's instructions - [code]When you are in the condition maintenance overview screen, double-click on the condition record. On the next screen, put /h in the shortcut window (upper left). and press enter. If you have authority, you'll kick into debug mode. Then you can put KONH in the variable field and see what value is in the KNUMH field.[/code] (in VK12 and ......) But I could not see the condition record #. With regards to my question / example. System did not create 3 records; system has created 1 record (as I used VK11 one time and VK12 two times) Please test and let me know. Regards, Typewriter | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |