RE:[sap-log-sd] Pricing procedure determination

Posted by LaurieCrow (SD Functional Analyst)
on Jun 23 at 4:10 PM
When might you want to assign a different condition type for viewing on the sales order condition screen? That would depend on what your business users want to see. PR00 seems like the most obvious, but we display our discount field instead because that is what Customer Service wants to see. And, if I remember correctly, it is different in VA01 than in VA02 or VA03. Might want to check that out.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: saratvamsi
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 3:18 PM
Subject: Pricing procedure determination

Hi Experts,

I have a question relating to a fundamental aspect in pricing procedure determination.

When we set up pricing procedure determination ie sales area + cust. pric. proc + doc. pric. proc. + pric. procedure + condition type, why do we have to define condition type at this stage.

I know it is a standard process to define condition type at this stage, but I was wondering why, because, PR00 is already existing in the pricing procedure.

Am I missing something elementary. It is just for my knowledge.

Your responses are most appreciated.

P.S.: I am also aware that all the other condition types are dependent on PR00.

Warm regards,

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