RE:[sap-log-sd] VT385: If default item cat. activated: Target billing type must be credit memo

Posted by Typewriter
on May 26 at 8:52 AM
Hi Experts,

Could you please help, with below -

Business requirement -
In the sales order, for a service (e.g. installation of TV) the costs (VPRS) must be mentioned too. But in the bill, the costs (VPRS) must not be mentioned.

I have created item category ZTAD (with cost determination field active), and set it as default, for my Sales doc type & Item cat. group (LEIS). In order to have item category TAD in the bill, I try to fill TAD in VFTA, in Item Cat. Proposal V_TVCPFAP-PSTYN. But I am getting "VT385: If default item cat. activated: Target billing type must be credit memo"

How can I achieve this business requirement? What am I overlooking (Copy requirements or...)?

A sales order with ZTAD & bill with ZTAD works ok. Also, sales order with TAD & bill with TAD works ok.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Typewriter
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 11:40 PM
Subject: VT385: If default item cat. activated: Target billing type must be credit memo

Hi Experts,

During copy control, source: Sales doc type | target: Billing type, at item level when I fill field Item Cat. Proposal, then I am getting this message -
Message no. VT385: If default item cat. activated: Target billing type must be credit memo

Could you please explain the reason for getting this message?

Thank you,


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