Re: [sap-log-sd] Avoid the credit block for evaluation order

Posted by Typewriter
on May 26 at 9:31 AM

1. If evaluation orders have their own Sales document type - i.e. if you use another Sales order type, for example ZEOR for evaluation orders. And you use Sales order type OR for regular sales orders - Then go to VOV8 and in that evaluation Sales order type and make fields - Credit group & Credit check limit = Blank

2. Do not have credit management for a particular customer (& If evaluation & regular orders are made from the same Sales doc type) - Then you can go to FD32, for that particular customer, make field Risk category = Blank

Further steps could be done with regards to Credit management, but for that some more information from your side would be needed & ofcourse if the issue remains unsolved.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: er_kumark
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 8:51 AM
Subject: Avoid the credit block for evaluation order

We are creating the evaluation order, sold to party is one time customer. Anyway for evaluation order credit block should not come because there is no pricing calculation for the evaluation order. While we creating the evaluation order credit block is showing, so kindly advise what steps have to take to avoid the credit block to this one time customer.

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