RE:[sap-log-sd] Free goods-More than one material as a free item

Posted by emmanuel_leclainche
on May 26 at 4:00 AM
Why don't you create a price determination key "when using the BOM5" (depending on main item), setting prices to 0 in that case? We often create marketing kits that way, they are all set to 0 price.
Or rebate 100%, same thing...


---------------Original Message---------------
From: Sapuser1982
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 1:24 AM
Subject: Free goods-More than one material as a free item

HI guys,

We have a requirement for our client in which,they want to give more than one material as a free item(2 or 3 materials)in the sales order.I have already explored the sales BOM functionality. Is their any other solution other than sales BOM that suits best for this requirement.

Any suggestions will be of great help to me.


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