Reply from jim-wolfe on Jan 11 at 10:48 AM Here are some notes that I had created at one time on how to create an LSMW for customer master loads, so these would have to be modified for pricing. Also, these were from a 4.6 system, and the steps are slightly different for more recent versions. Example: Mass update customer group in customer master Load data via Excel, including all variable fields, e.g. customer, sales org, & customer group. then save as a tab-limited text file on harddrive TCode = LSMW. Create a project, subproject & object by clicking on the blank page icon. Click on execute Maintain object attributes - i. click on display <-> change (do this on all options) ii. Object = 0050 (Customer Master) iii. Method = 0000 (default) iv. Save & back (do this on most options) Maintain source structures - i. click on blank page ii. enter name & description Maintain source fields - used to label fields in source file i. click on blank page ii. enter each field & format Maintain structure relations - i. identify structures to be updated by double-clicking on each ii. For customer master, BGR00, BKN00, BKNA1 are required Maintain field mapping and conversion rules - i. For constant values, e.g. tcode, distribution channel & division click on field name, then Constant ii. For variables that will come from source file, click on field name, then Source Field (blank page icon). iii. Select source field from window Maintain fixed values, translations, user-defined routines - not used Specify files - specify location of source files i. Legacy data - On the PC (frontend) - files located on user's harddrive - click on line then blank page icon ii. In window, enter file location,e.g c:\custmast.txt, description, click on tabulator, leave other defaults as is Assign files - not needed Read data - enter record #'s in source file to be read. If source file contains column headers, from value in Transaction Number should be 2. Display read data - specify rows of read data i. enter 1 in the From line box & the number of rows in source file in the To line box. ii. double-click on line to parse data Convert data - enter same from/to values as previous step Display converted data - verify that data appears correctly in each structure- enter 1 to 9999. Create batch input session - use defaulted File Path Name Run Batch Input session
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Meenakshi Sundaram Subramanian Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 10:12 AM Subject: Pricing Help Required for Trade Sales How to do this via LSMW? Can you please explain? S M SUNDARAM | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | _.____.__ |