[sap-log-sd] No Pegged Requirements Exist

Posted by Gaurav
on Dec 9 at 9:23 AM
Hi All,

I have a problem regarding MD04 screen display.

Scenario is as follows:
Material "A" which is defined in plant "0003" only and has a component material "B" , strategy group as "30", procurement type as "E".

Material B is defined in plant 0002(production plant) where Strategy group is "63" ,Procurement type is "E"

Material "B" is defined in plant 0003(planning plant) also where trategy group is "30",Procurement type "E" and Special procurement is "80".

A planned order is created for material "B" on 05.12.2011 for 100 quantities.

Now problem is as follows:

While I am checking in transaction MD04 for material B in plant 0003, its showing the the planned order for material "B" as 100 quantities on 05.12.2011 but its also showing the requirements for material "A" as 100 quantities as Dependent Requirement on 24.09.2010 just above the planned order for material "B".

But this planned order is not generated by parent material "A". While I am checking the pegged requirement for material "A" ,an error message is coming as "No pegged requirements exist :Message no. 61527". And when I checked MD04 for material "A" its showing one production order created on 19.10.2011 for 33 quantities only and nothing else.It means there are no requirements or planned order exists for parent material "A".

Kindly tell why MD04 screen for component material "B" in plant 0003 is showing a Dependent Requirement also for parent material "A" as 100.

Thanks in advance. :)
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