I can try this but are you sure this won't change the schedule dates? Thanks for the reply.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Guest Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 6:50 PM Subject: Scope of Check Availability Hello, 1. Change the material master in the affected plant. 2. Go into the sales order via change and go into the item shipping tab. 3. Delete the plant (and storage location, shipping point). 4. Press enter. 5. Reenter the plant, shipping point (and storage location if you specify it sales orders). The system will automatically redetermine the checking rule and carry out a new availability check. Regards. | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |