RE:[sap-log-sd] MTO-Scenario SD Report

Posted by Typewriter
on Dec 9 at 9:08 AM

Sales order # from VBAK
Item # and order quantity from VBAP
Material code from MARA
invoice quantity from VBRP

For balance quantity, stock against the balance quantity and shipping type go to those fields and press F1 and then click on button "Technical information" to get the table and field name.

Then prepare the functional specifications with details for the ABAPer, along with report layout. Explain the end deliverable (what report & how it should look) and the logic the program is going to follow.

E.g. of functional spec could be -
1. Business requirement at higher level.
2. The logic, in detail
- initial screen with fields (e.g. customer number, sales order number etc.)
- system shall first pick up data with some logic & then filter with the help of some table (z table of material code) and then.....
- validations
3. The layout of the report
- field names, type, size, the table name - field name
- an example
4. Any Z tables to be maintained, the t-code for that. (or give this later)

Good luck!

---------------Original Message---------------
From: saps
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 3:42 PM
Subject: MTO-Scenario SD Report

I am working in MTO scenario. I have a requirement for a report. It is as follows.
"Sales order no.", "Item No.", "material code", "order quantity", "invoiced quantity", "balance quantity", "Stock against the balance quantity", "shipping type".

The selection criteria will be the customer no. (KUNNR - Sold to party), Sales order No. & Sales Order Date.

The report should take into account the updates of the schedule lines of the sales order so that when the distributor runs this report he will get an idea of the current day's work.

Is there any standard SAP SD report for this requirement? If not then which table should I refer to create a "Z" report. I am not finding the table "MSEG" that useful.

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