Re: [sap-log-sd] Service Item - Schedule Line Category

Posted by Iscariot
on Dec 12 at 10:36 PM
My understanding is this:

Item relevent for delivery Flag indicates if a a text line item is copied
from the SO --> Delivery for information purposes. Copy control also needs
to be maintained correctly. - Application passing service charges to a
delivery for complete billing with inventoried goods

Schedule line allowed - Used for inventoried items. This flag is set to
positive when a document needs to have a schedule line that is applicable
for delivery EG A sales Order.

if the document is not relevent for delivery and ATP / MRP is not required
but must use inventoried items then this flag is removed on in the item cat
config - EG for a quote or enquiry.

The two flags are mutually exclusive.

If you want to setup a text / Service item then the Revelent for Delivery
Flag needs to be set and schedule line allowed does not need to be set.

If you are using an inventoried item then the schedule line allowed setting
must be used and the Delivery allowed setting can be ignored.

This effectively gives a user two ways to create a text item on a delivery:

1) Use the Delivery Allowed setting - This negates the need to define a
text only schedule line
2) Allow schedule lines - Assign a schedule line category that has no
movement type assigned effectviely making it text only and does not require

I personally use the 2nd approach.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Typewriter
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 9:51 AM
Subject: Service Item - Schedule Line Category

Hi Gavin,

Your comment "however I believe the item cat needs to be relevant for
delivery and assigned a schedule line cat." is not in alignment with extract from Glyn C. Williams - "This (item relevant for delivery indicator), however, should not be set for standard items, as a standard item would have a schedule line and thus be able to be determined as delivery - relevant." Page 75.

I look forward to your post. Thank you for helping!

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