Re: [sap-log-sd] Best Practices - Free Goods Qty

Posted by Iscariot
on Dec 9 at 12:28 AM
Yes that is correct for every 500 eaches for a line item with a qty of 1001
or more the customer will receive 10 free. So if the order qyt is:

1200 = 20 free
1500 = 30 free


---------------Original Message---------------
From: saps
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 12:24 AM
Subject: Best Practices - Free Goods Qty

If the code was > 1000, 20 were free, then for 1000 goods there must be no free goods, but for 1001, we would get 20 goods free. Am I correct? Please help me understand.

Thanks and regards,

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