Hello gurus, When I run MEB4 - rebate settlement I got the following errors: -E 611 Acct determination for AG1 with keys not defined in ch/acts -E 236 Error messages generated during billing document check run -E 147 Account determination for entry **** AG1 not possible -E 043 Error in account determination for account key AG1. However I have maintained OBYC already for CoA and transaction AG1 using: - valuation modificator equal to the valuation class - Account, Posting keys are 89 - debit and 99- credit. I've tried with Transactions B01 and B02 and I always get the same message Error 147 Account determination for entry **** B01 not possible during MEB4. Please advise what could be the issue and what is still missing! Thanks and regards. | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |