1. Why You Should Upgrade to MDM 7.1 SP08
2. Using Excel on HANA
3. Creating and Testing SAP NetWeaver Gateway Services
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| | | | | |  | | | | November 16, 2011 SAP DEVELOPER NETWORK NEWSLETTER
| | | | Letter from the Editor: SAP HANA, You Are the Hottest
All around SAP these days is the feeling of energy and renewal. "Better to be part of innovation for the future than consolidation of the past," says Sanjay Poonen. More fun, too. Future-focused SAP HANA technology is the new Real-Time paradigm, while Oracle comes in a year late, high on complexity and low on elegance.
Read why SAP considers Oracle's Exalytics both underwhelming and ExaSperating.
SAP HANA handles big data faster than you can think. New information and community engagement is unfolding now on Experience SAP HANA and on SCN.
Keith Elliott Editor-in-Chief
| | | | 1. | Why You Should Upgrade to MDM 7.1 SP08 | | | | | According to Steffen Ulmer, this SP differs from the last two SPs (SP06 and SP07) since it delivers some key enhancements that can be used to address real business requirements. In this blog he outlines three key areas of improvement: enhancements on Tuples, updates on the user interface, and new administration features. For more on MDM, take a look at MDM eLearnings and the MDM area on SCN.
| | | | 2. | Using Excel on SAP HANA | | | | | From the very beginning, SAP HANA has been shipped with an OLE DB for OLAP (ODBO) driver that allows ODBO enabled clients to connect and analyze analytic views in the SAP HANA repository. Those analytic views are cubes that have been modeled with the SAP HANA modeler (part of SAP HANA studio). Thomas Zurek provides some background and points to a demo video created by Simba.
| | | | 3. | Creating and Testing SAP NetWeaver Gateway Services | | | | | Read these two new How-to guides to learn specific details about creating and testing SAP NetWeaver Gateway services. In How To... Create a Gateway Service Using the BOR Generator - Advanced Scenario you'll find user examples to create services using the BOR Generator that can be extended for other business entities. How To... Create a Gateway Service Using the RFC Generator - Advanced Scenario provides the details on how to create and test a SAP NetWeaver Gateway service based on the user-related BAPIs.
| | | | 4. | SAP in IaaS Cloud Environments | | | | | In this blog, Chris Kernaghan of Cap Gemini relates his experiences with SAP landscapes in various IaaS platforms. In this blog, he shares some of the challenges of managing the platform on a long-term basis. He discusses benefits such as cloning systems, plus offers tips on how to develop processes to ensure items are properly catalogued for easier administration.
| | | | 5. | Jim Hagemann Snabe on CNBC Europe | | | | | SAP co-CEO Jim Hagemann Snabe joined CNBC Squawk Box Europe to act as co-host of Europe's most influential business show. On a frenzied news day with the Greek debt crisis escalating and markets in turmoil, Jim shared his views regarding the Eurozone crisis and how he sees the solution. He also talked about the economic situation on a global scale as well as a long-term innovation strategy for both companies and states.
| | | | 6. | Just Launched -- The SAP Store for Mobile Apps! | | | | | With the introduction of the SAP Store for Mobile Apps, we provide customers the ability to easily discover, evaluate, and buy certified mobile applications for their business needs. With SAP Mobile Apps, the on-device application for the SAP Store, you get access to mobile apps anytime and anywhere. Try it for yourself! (Microsoft Silverlight installation required.)
| | | | 7. | New SAP Help Portal Now Available | | | | | SAP has launched its new SAP Help Portal, the central place for SAP documentation, which has been thoroughly updated. SAP Help Portal now includes access to comprehensive product documentation, SAP Notes, product availability information, community content, and improved navigation.
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