Hi Guys, Please help me out in the following concern. My client has asked for a change in the normal process of long handling unit no generation. I want to know whether is it possible because how can a table be updated without saving the delivery? Business Background Transaction Z070_SP_FR is used to define for which forwarders a long handling unit number should be used in deliveries. Forwarders in this table will get a long handling unit and forwarders which aren't there will get a short number. The problem is that if you in the delivery change from a forwarder not in a table to a forwarder in the table you have to save the delivery before you pack, otherwise the short handling unit no will be used. The opposite also goes for the opposite, ie you have forwarder that is in the table and change to forwarder not in the table you still get a long handling unit no if you don't save first. Business Requirements The function that determines what kind of handling unit to use should work with having to save the delivery. Example 1: Delivery 1 has forwarder 1234 which isnt in the table. We then change to forwarder 3456 which is the table. Expected result: Long handling unit no is used when packing even without saving the delivery first. Example 2: Delivery 2 has forwarder 3456 which is in the table. We then change to forwarder 1234 which isnt in the table. Expected result: Long handling unit isn't used when packing even without saving the delivery first. | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight _.____.__ |