RE:[sap-log-sd] Invoice Document Numbering - Argentina

Posted by Typewriter
on Oct 25 at 5:15 AM
Hi Dutch, DGirl,

As I understand a billing document is generated twice - once with an Argentian # and second with an SAP invoice #. In the SAP invoice #, you want the Argentian # as reference. Is my understanding correct?

E.g. Argentinian billing document is created, user would like to create a billing document in SAP. User can give the number range for SAP invoice document as EXTERNAL. And manually type in the Argentinian billing doc #. Could this work?

If you want two billing #s, how can SAP know what is the Argentinian billing # in the billing document in SAP? or is this # mentioned in any earlier documents (i.e. sales order, delivery)?

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Dutch
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:21 AM
Subject: Invoice Document Numbering - Argentina

Hi TW,
There is special billing config for Argentina, to do with the fact that the government issues the billing document number ranges. If the country-specific config settings for Argentina have been maintained correctly I think the next step is to raise an OSS-note.

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