Re: [sap-log-sd] Scale Pricing doesnt Update

Posted by jim-wolfe
on Oct 26 at 8:50 AM
Dave - I am very familiar with the pricing routines and how often they go back through the code to recalc - which is why I thought that the group pricing might be a cause of the original issue.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Dave Thornburgh
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2011 4:17 PM
Subject: Scale Pricing doesnt Update

Jim -

If you've never debugged the order creation process, I'm sure you would be amazed (or was that horrified?) to see just how much SAP does go back and recalculate previous lines as each new line is created. As lines are added, the number of passes through pricing expands exponentially. This is why adding the 50th line on an order takes a perceivably longer time to complete than adding the first line did.


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