RE:[sap-log-sd] Excluding Items from Rebate Discount Calculation

Posted by Typewriter
on Sep 28 at 1:09 AM

Unfortunately I do not agree with you.

1) Why rebate agreement 1?
If the sales volume is not greater than 5000, then there is no need to give rebate.

2) Cumulation of sales volume; both rebate cond types must be in the same rebate agreement -
Even if M1 - in Mat. pricing group but not discountable material - is in the billing document, the sales volume of the rebate agreement must be increased. Thus ZB02 (with condition table Customer / Mat. pricing gr.) has to be in the rebate agreement.
if M2 - in Mat. pricing group and discountable material - is in the billing doc, the sales volume of the rebate agreement must increase. Thus ZB01 (with condition table (in ac. seq) Customer / Mat. pricing gr. / Material) has to be in the same rebate agreement.

If I am missing some thing (concept), please inform me.

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Warren Nash
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 12:46 AM
Subject: Excluding Items from Rebate Discount Calculation


rebate agreement 1 ZB01 >1<5000
rebate agreement 2 ZB02 >5000 and Material Pricing Group.


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