Ravi, Nimalan. Because the system allows you to receive the same material numbe/serial number back does not mean that it is a duplicate. It must be the same one. SAP will not allow duplicate serial numbers for a material. Please take my advice and use transaction IQ03 to view the material/serial number master. You can see it's status: ECUS (at the customer) ESTO in Stock, (EDEL) Assigned to a delivery etc. Also, in the loaction tab, you can see the current stock location. Check the history in the SER DATA tab to see what has been happening and also, check the change log to see if, when it has been put in one storage location, someone has removed the storage location data in the material serial number master directly, instead of using a material movement. It is possible to do this by deleting the stock data and using the menu path in the master record.
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Ravi Nadendla Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 9:07 PM Subject: Duplicate serial numbers for same material in stock? Hi, I have a material (X) with a serial number (Y) in in customer consigned stock. Our user created customer return order (order type:RE) with no order reference and brought into unrestricted stock for same material(X) with same serial number (Y). The system allowed this. I am under the impression, it should not allow same material (X) with same serial number(Y) in stock more than once, it is a serial number duplicate situation. We have serial numbers defined at client level - unique number at client level. Am I missing some configuration or standard SAP (we are on ECC6.0) allows this? Appreciate your help. Thanks Ravi | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Popular White Papers In the Spotlight View the "Managing the Application Life Cycle" webinar and learn how organizations optimize their SAP applications. _.____.__ |