RE:[sap-log-sd] Individual Purchase order

Posted by Typewriter
on Aug 9 at 8:51 AM
Hi Sumanth,

Thank you for your post! I have marked it as helpful.

a. Why is it called Individual PO? (individual)
b. In TAB item category, field "Special stock" = E, why?
c. Looking at CB schedule line category movt. type 601, & your explanation - thus goods come in to stock, and are then picked, PGI when being sent to the customer. So is the process it -
S.O > PR > PO > GR > Invoice Verification, outbound Dlv>PGI>Invoice?

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Sumanth gururaj
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 8:30 AM
Subject: Individual Purchase order

Dear Typewriter

Individual Purchase Order:

To put it in simple words:
1 )A customer places order with a business.
2) Immediately the business orders these goods from its vendors.
3) *The goods come to the business premises*. ( Here, it differs from 3rd
party process, In 3 rd party, goods directly go to the customer from vendor)
4) The business then delivers these goods to its customer.

In SAP, for Ind PO S;Line cat, PR is automatically generated.

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