RE:[sap-log-sd] Difference between sales type: YO6P and YO6Q

Posted by Typewriter
on Aug 30 at 4:20 AM

Taking a hint from Dave's post, you yourself could find out the differences between these 2 sales document types, by -
1. Comparing the business processes, while using YO6P and YO6Q
2. Asking the users (order entry staff etc.)
3. Doing few tests in the system - & comparing differences in Basic functions, and other things
4. Asking the SD consultant who handled the implementation or the superuser / key user


The motivation to speculate is to encourage a "reasoning - oriented" way of thinking; in this case both for me and for Liz. By exploring the reasons "Why" - in this case - I do not see any risks.

Your comment ,about there could be many obscure differences, is correct. Thanks for it!

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Elizabeth Long
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 5:26 AM
Subject: Difference between sales type: YO6P and YO6Q


I know in YO6P we have the flexibility to choose different Item Category, where else YO6Q the Item Category are fixed for 3rd Party transactions. But besides this obvious difference, may i know what other differences and/or impact exist?


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