Hi Tung Ho As per your request below is the code for the credit check * DATA : lc_cramt LIKE knkk-klimk. * DATA : lc_amt LIKE knkk-klimk. * LOOP AT int_accept WHERE shopcode(1) = 'S' ** AND ( orderno(1) = 'S' OR orderno(1) = 'G' ) "*00-048-A * AND ( delorderno(2) = 'SS' OR delorderno(1) = 'G' ) * AND matnr(1) <> 'A'. * MOVE-CORRESPONDING int_accept TO int_accept1. * COLLECT int_accept1. * ENDLOOP. * CLEAR int_errtab. * LOOP AT int_accept1. * CLEAR knkk. * SELECT SINGLE * FROM knkk WHERE kunnr = int_accept1-shopcode * AND kkber = p_kkber. * IF sy-subrc = 0. * * CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY' * EXPORTING * date = sy-datum * foreign_amount = int_accept1-price * foreign_currency = 'SGD' * local_currency = 'USD' * rate = 0 * type_of_rate = 'M' * IMPORTING * local_amount = lc_amt * EXCEPTIONS * no_rate_found = 1 * overflow = 2 * no_factors_found = 3 * no_spread_found = 4 * derived_2_times = 5 * OTHERS = 6. * ** lc_cramt = knkk-skfor + int_accept1-price. * lc_cramt = knkk-skfor + lc_amt. * IF lc_cramt > knkk-klimk. * MOVE : int_accept1-delorderno TO int_errtab-delorderno, ** int_accept1-maktx to int_errtab-maktx, ** int_accept1-matnr to int_errtab-matnr, * int_accept1-shopcode TO int_errtab-shopcode, * int_accept1-custcomp TO int_errtab-custcomp, ** int_accept1-qty to int_errtab-qty, * int_accept1-price TO int_errtab-price, * 'Credit Limit Exceeds'(031) TO int_errtab-text. ** '2' to int_errtab-rec_type. * APPEND int_errtab. * ENDIF. We use the customised transaction to create sales order Thanks srikant
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Tung Ho Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 1:03 PM Subject: Credit Customer Blocked Can you send your auto create code? | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | srikant SAP Logistics Sales and Distribution Enthusiast
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