Re: [sap-log-sd] Re-checking Availability

Posted by hovering_yogi (Independent SAP SD Consultant currently at Sony)
on Aug 19 at 2:18 AM
Out of interest when you don't re-atp if the new details result in a route
with a significantly longer delivery time and you haven't re atp'd then
surely the start of the picking process in the warehouse is going to
commence on the wrong day. Or you will not have advised the customer of an
accurate expected delivery date (depending on whether the original atp
result was backwards or forward schedule based)?

Obviously the business there may work differently and have genuine reasons
this is fine - so just interested from an experience perspective what that

---------------Original Message---------------
From: darrell
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 10:51 AM
Subject: Re-checking Availability

Our company had a similar requirement. We handle the requirement through ABAP code with an enhancement. Here are the requirement and comments from the enhancement spot. Once you start checking fields to not Re-ATP you need to account for all scenarios that might occur which requires extensive testing.

Do not Re-ATP on change of:
1. Ship-To, rv02p-weupd
2. Shipping Condition vbak-vsbed
3. Re-Routing sy-ucomm = 'RTGR'
4. New route vbap-route <> yvbap-route

Additional Checks are required due to the way the user enter data into the screen. The user are changing multiple things at the same time, like the ship-to and quantity. Since quantity was changed the order needs should Re-ATP, so need to have checks up front to determine if the check for the items changes mentioned above should be checked.

Re-ATP on change of:
1. Item quantity (vbap-kwmeng)
2. Plant (vbap-werks)
3. Item Un-rejected (vbap-abgru becomes blank)
4. Requirement Type (vbap-bedae) Porcument Tab overview
5. Item category (vbap-pstyv) Front Screen
6. Item "Fixed date and qty" indicator (vbap-fixmg) Schedule line tab
7. Item piece count (vbap-umvkz)
8. Item UOM (vbap-vrkme)
9. Complete delivery indicator (vbak-autlf) Front screen check
10. Delivery Date (vbep-edatu)
11. Availability Check (sy-ucomm = 'PORE') Item
(sy-ucomm = 'BVFP') Header

This enhancement is in the Include FV45PFAP_VBAP_BEARBEITEN_ENDE Form FV45PFAP_VBAP_BEARBEITEN_ENDE. You will need the help of an ABAPer on implementing this type of change.

Copyright © 2011 and message author. 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
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