Re: [sap-log-sd] Individual Purchase order

Posted by Vamsidevata (My Sap)
on Aug 9 at 1:52 PM
Hi Typewriter,

TAB is same as TAS which is for third party sales. The only difference
between TAB - CB and TAS - CS :

In third party sales vendor will directly deliver to the customer, based on
the confirmation business will raise invoice to the customer however on the
other side Vendor will deliver to the business then business will deliver
the same to the customer then followed by the same as normal sales process.
No where connectivity between customer and vendor.

I'm glad if someone can add anything more.

Thanks, Vamsi

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Typewriter
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 8:24 AM
Subject: Individual Purchase order


Could you please explain the concept of "Individual Purchase order" with a business example? & also some explanation w.r.t. Item category (TAB) & schedule line (CB)

I have searched the internet, but I cannot seem to find some clear & simple examples.

Thank you, in advance!

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