RE:[sap-log-sd] Add item to delivery in user exit

Posted by Typewriter
on Jul 8 at 8:13 AM
Hi Manish,

I did some tests, based on your requirement -
"I have the same functionality . I want to add pallets as new line items in the Delivery when the Delivery is created with reference to a Sales Order. "

This can be done with standard functionality.

When user manually adds an item line is delivery, with relevant cond records (for pricing); then you have price of all the items, in the bill.

The item category for newly added item is DLN. Try it, if facing problems, check VTFA, is item category DLN set up with Pricing type B.


Definitely more process description shall help!

Can you elaborate on "might be solved by pricing"?
Is it maintaining cond records & Update pricing in VTFA or something more interesting ;)

Thank you,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: naughtybudgie
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 7:00 AM
Subject: Add item to delivery in user exit

i see no need for a user exit if it's not calculated other than to perhaps ensure the item is added for specific materials... ?

can the actual process could be described in more detail - are these people using Handling units? WM? etc.. there could potentially be a number of solutions... might be solved by pricing for exampe... ;-)

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