Hi Satya Narayana, Please follow below steps to EXTEND a customer master record - EXTENT PY- 1. You have already created BP MUMBAI for CoCd 1, Sales Area 1 2. You want to EXTEND same BP (i.e. Mumbai) to CoCd2, Sales Area2 (e.g. Delhi) Go to XD01, take account gr. = 0004 (Bill To Party) type in - Customer = BP Mumbai cmr Co Cd = co cd 2 Sale org = SO2 (s.org for Delhi) Dch = DC2 Div = DV2 In reference, type in - Customer = BP Mumbai cmr Co Cd = CoCd1 Sale org = SO1 (s.org for Mum) Dch = DC1 Div = DV1 Execute and save. System shall say BP has been created for Co Cd 2 & "SO2/DC2/DV2" You shall have to extend BP to all the Co Cds and Sales Areas, as above. Please note - this to explain to you about extension of CMR If you can create a "less complicated" Org structure, it is always better! Regards,
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Satya Narayana Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 9:26 AM Subject: Single bill for each site will be generated Sir, Company maintain 6 company codes each place they maintain one code that means, Example: company have Hyderabad (Town) area one branch than one company code,in the same way Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai also they have branches same way each and very place separate company codes, sales area, sales office, plants. So now they want only one billing point. when ever order place, billing point is only Mumbai Isn't possible sir one billing point that means invoice place is Mumbai Thanks you Sir for your patience | | __.____._ Copyright © 2011 Toolbox.com and message author. Toolbox.com 4343 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 280, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 | | Typewriter SAP Logistics Sales and Distribution Helper
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