RE:[sap-log-sd] Requirement -No repricing during intercompany billing

Posted by Typewriter
on Jun 29 at 2:07 PM
Hi April,

I have done some tests, mainly with SD process, but I am sure it shall be useful for covering Purchase Ord & MM part.

1. In VTFL, NLCC --> IV, item cat NLC copy requirement is = 018. Why have you taken 015?
2. Check if IV has a different pricing procedure from PO, please have same pricing procedure; configuration can be done - you can check this in your bill; IV doc pricing procedure VOFA + assignment can be done in OVKK.
3. During tests, in VTFL, from LF -> F2, item category TAN -
Price source was = E (order / delivery)

Please make your Price source = B (purchase order / delivery)

4. with Pricing type D, in VTFL for LF ->F2; there was NO change in my bill.
Steps I did -
created a sales order, PR00 = 2000Euros
in VK12, PR00 = 2200Euros
created dlv and then bill and checked price was still 2000Euros.

But with Pricing type B, the price gets updated as it should (i.e. 2200Euros)

I think it is just a mater of testing and finding out the correct settings in VTFL. Main fields are Pricing type, Price source; exact same pricing procedure for PO and Bill, other settings in VTFL please keep as standard (the requirements etc.) And keep testing.


---------------Original Message---------------
From: April_philly
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 11:13 AM
Subject: Requirement -No repricing during intercompany billing

I tried changing the pricing type as suggested, but somehow now no conditions are getting populated, In VTFL-I have copy routine 014 at the header and 015 at the item. Any suggestions please...

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