RE:[sap-log-sd] How to edit the incoterms in delivery and invoice when it becomes gray out/ uneditable?

Posted by Typewriter
on Jun 17 at 7:23 AM
Hi RaviRaj0308,

Q3: Can changes in field "Incoterms 2" impact your Net price? (has it been setup that way). If yes, then what impact do you expect on pricing, when manual changes are done in delivery or bill?


Thanks for your post.

I donot understand your comment "ship-to-party has dynamic destinations".
Do you mean that in SAP, in a SP customer mr, tab Partner Functions, there are multiple SH?

I think the business wants to fillin some extra information (via field "Incoterms 2") after the dlv / billing docs are created for -
- getting information printed on the Delivery note
- or as a criteria for reporting, statistical purposes
- or sending to Payer, in bills

On a general note - thanks for sharing your knowledge (via all posts).

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Typewriter
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 4:54 AM
Subject: How to edit the incoterms in delivery and invoice when it becomes gray out/ uneditable?

Hi RaviRaj0308,

Q: say user has created sales order, delivery and bill; then the user wants to change field "Incoterms 2" in the delivery, do you want this change to made in sales order (relevant line item) &bill? or user shall manually change also in bill (without any change in sorder, for that line item)?

Q: In billing document, Incoterms (& incoterms 2) is a header field and not an item field, is that correct?


Could you please explain when some changes are done in field "Incoterms 2" (additional text field), why does the system re-determine the freight charges?

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