RE:[sap-log-sd] Billing plan could be executed more than once

Posted by wnash7658 (SAP Specialist and Project Leader)
on Jun 29 at 11:55 PM
I don't use billing plans to often. But I think if you add extra items then a warning message will appear. You can change this message in OVAH.

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---------------Original Message---------------
From: Roger Mou
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 10:03 PM
Subject: Billing plan could be executed more than once


I am facing an issue : we set billing plan in sales order and the billing plan with 2 lines, 1st is down payment(FAZ), 2nd is closing invoice(F2), after the standard process(SO -> FAZ -> DN -> F2), we found we still can create FAZ & F2 base on the same sales order. I mean we can create multi FAZs & F2s for one sales order.

Is there any way can stop creating duplicated FAZ & F2? please advise me if there is any experts know the solutions.

Thanks & Best Regards


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