Re: RE:[sap-log-sd] Pricing procedure determination

Posted by saratvamsi
on Jun 24 at 2:27 AM
Thanks for your inputs. Will try what you said.
Warm regards,

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---------------Original Message---------------
From: saratvamsi
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 3:18 PM
Subject: Pricing procedure determination

Hi Experts,

I have a question relating to a fundamental aspect in pricing procedure determination.

When we set up pricing procedure determination ie sales area + cust. pric. proc + doc. pric. proc. + pric. procedure + condition type, why do we have to define condition type at this stage.

I know it is a standard process to define condition type at this stage, but I was wondering why, because, PR00 is already existing in the pricing procedure.

Am I missing something elementary. It is just for my knowledge.

Your responses are most appreciated.

P.S.: I am also aware that all the other condition types are dependent on PR00.

Warm regards,

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