Re: [sap-log-sd] Material Determination by Material Master Attribute

Posted by sumityerawar
on May 25 at 10:54 PM
Go to OVRQ
Check warning and entry box
Select A strategy
Go to VB11
Maintain condition record
Select varaint TAB on left of screen
Enter materials which you have to swap
In order enter material and then u'l get pop up of list materials which
you have to swap


---------------Original Message---------------
From: LaurieCrow
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 3:17 PM
Subject: Material Determination by Material Master Attribute

I would like to use Material Determination to provide customer service with a pop-up list of suggested materials during order entry. I would like the list of suggested materials to be generated based on the "list of materials" assigned a particular value on the material master in the Material Group field. So far, my attempts have basically required me to duplicate the data in the Material Group field in my Material Determination condition records. Does anyone have a suggestion for the correct design of my Material Determination condition table to make this work?

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