Reply from surender-gupta on Mar 6 at 5:50 AM Hi Pradeep, Please note the first thing, that in copy control we assign pricing type G copy price element unchanged & redetermine taxes that mean tax will get determine again in the invoice as it has been determine in the sales order. You need to check this setting in copy control & then go in the invoice-> item level condition-> Analysis-> check on the tax condition type at what level it is getting determined tax's. Possible issue will be region code may be missing in ship to party, region code may be missing in plant, tax classification selected wrong at header. Please check these things. I hope you will find the solution by going these steps. Thanks
| | | ---------------Original Message--------------- From: Pradeep Mani Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 4:44 AM Subject: Tax in Sales Order is Not Getting Copied in Invoice I have a problem with Pricing procedure. Thats is while creation of Sales order both the net price & tax are coming. When sales order-->Delivery--->Invoice At the invoice stage only the net price is copied,tax is appearing as 0,the tax in Sales order is not getting copied (condition type with condition class D) How to resolve it | | Reply to this email to post your response. __.____._ | In the Spotlight Become a blogger at and share your expertise with the community. Start today. _.____.__ |