Re: [sap-log-sd] UOM Conversion LB to KG and KG to LB

Reply from ianworral on Feb 29 at 5:23 PM
Hi Dutch,

Thanks for your reply.

I think I did not put my question properly. The country A has LB & FT3
setting and country B has KG & M3 settings.

I have raised two sales order one with plant/country A the other one is for
plant/country B.

The 1st sales order has been raised on plant A and it has one item from
country A and two items are from plant B the weight should be LB and Volume
should be FT3. The system has converted everything to KG & M3.

The 2nd sales order has been raised on plant B and it has two items from
plant A and one item from plant/country B so this weight should have been
converted to KG/M3 however it is LB/FT3.

If we have plant A (Sales Order) and all the items are from plant A then
there's no issue. It is same for plant B however when we have cross plant
items then it is behaving differently.

I hope this will explain the issue.

Best Regards,

---------------Original Message---------------
From: Dutch
Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 4:26 PM
Subject: UOM Conversion LB to KG and KG to LB

Hi Ian,
The conversion factor between LB and KG is not something you can decide for yourself; this has been set in concrete since Napoleon. If you attempt to set up a UoM conversion of e.g. 3 LB equals 1 KG, SAP will correct the data automatically. The fact that e.g. a KG weighs a KG is not to be disputed and is hardcoded in the system.

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