RE:[sap-log-sd] Combine Delivery and Billing for Item Category TAN and TAS in One Sales Order.

Posted by Typewriter
on Sep 26 at 1:44 AM
My initial thoughts are -

Combined delivery - I would NOT go for combined delivery. In TAS (i.e. 3rd party sale) there is NO delivery, the reason being the delivery is done by the external vendor (& not by your client company).
Where as TAN (OTC process) delivery is done by your company.
Thus for these two different business processes, do NOT create a combined delivery.

Combined billing - I think you could go for invoice combination. But I would think hard about the benefits for doing that.
Again the timing of creating invoices / billing documents in both these processes could be different. E.g. For 3rd party sales, you would like to do the invoice verification and then create a bill for the customer. In case of OTC (TAN) after dispatching the goods (i.e. after PGI) user could create a billing doc.

To conclude, Combined delivery - I would not go for it.
Combined billing - maybe, if there are benefits, less risks of mistakes and strong client needs; with lots of testing.

Could you explain the reason(s) for this business requirement?

---------------Original Message---------------
From: sk mt
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 1:05 AM
Subject: Combine Delivery and Billing for Item Category TAN and TAS in One Sales Order.

Hi All,
Can anyone say, if in one sales order there are two line items one line item has item category -TAN and other has the item category-TAS? I need combine delivered and combine billing. Please give me the suggestions.

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